Reimagined for the non-traditional princess, experience a unique twist on a beloved character with this original drawing of Anna from Disney's Frozen, reimagined as a ghostly witch. This artwork transforms the familiar princess into a spectral figure, capturing a blend of enchantment and mystery with a vibrant, neon-like appearance.
Created using acrylic paint markers and color pencil on rich black paper, the piece stands out with its striking contrast and luminous colors.
Medium: Acrylic Paint Markers and Color Pencil on Black Paper
Style: Neon, Ghostly Witch
Character: Anna from Disney's Frozen
Size: 11" x 14"
This drawing is sold unframed, allowing you to choose a frame that complements your space and enhances the neon glow of the artwork. Perfect for fans of Frozen and those who appreciate a creative, mystical twist on classic characters, this original drawing is sure to be a standout addition to your collection.